Advice For Young Men At The Crash


The Company is proud to provide our free Academy Level 1 resources to the public. Use this knowledge to further your power, authority, influence, and wealth in these dangerous times.

  • Build your future without constraints from weak, stupid, or frightened people.
  • Fight for success with hidden methods that built the greatest empires in the world.
  • Lead your family through global storms and cement a powerful personal legacy.

You are welcome to download, distribute, and share this Level 1 material:



The Age of Militants is here and the Third World War has begun.

Vanguard CORE provides you with unmatched instruction and content. You'll be able to preserve, determine, and advance your values, interests, and ambitions in this new and rapidly changing global era with our unmatched instruction and expertise.

Enroll today in the Academy and become a driving force in the Movement:



Plan available at $50/month
Individuals and leaders of households who must identify and unlock sacred purpose, power, and discipline for themselves and their families. Our Vanguard CORE programs for this level set powerful new foundations.
Live Access to War Briefings
Archive Access to War Briefings
Exclusive Movement Email List
Raw Human Capital Path Development
Militant Rank Development
Online Status Check Process
Client Support
Vanguard CORE I Foundational Curriculum: Discipline, Purpose, and Power
Academy CORE Documents
Black Flag program
The Power Narcissist program
Foundational Library
Faction Asset Promotion Track
Coming Access: Telegram Member Community


Plan available at $99/month
Workers and career professionals who must develop strong, capable leadership that breaks through war indecision. Our Vanguard CORE programs for this level shape and sharpen the tools of leverage they need to win.
Live Access to War Briefings
This is a Archive Access to War Briefings
Exclusive Movement Email List
Raw Human Capital Path Development
Militant Rank Development
Exclusive Movement Email List
Online Status Check Process Company Reports
Client Support
Client Division Introductory Call
Vanguard CORE I Foundational Curriculum: Discipline, Purpose, and Power
Vanguard CORE II Intermediate Curriculum: Vision, Planning, and Execution
Academy CORE Documents
Black Flag program
The Power Narcissist program
Fury To Power program
Controlled Penetration program
Live Quarterly Training Sessions
Intermediate Library
Faction Leader Promotion Track
Coming Access: Telegram Scholarship Community

MILITANT | $7499

Full payment for lifetime access
Senior leaders and business managers charged with duty to drive spiritual power and new worldview into reality with militant coherence. Programs at this level exorcise dead loyalties to rotted States and smash boundaries to power.
Live Access to War Briefings
Archive Access to War Briefings
Exclusive Movement Email List
Raw Human Capital Path Development
Militant Rank Development
Online Status Check Process Company Reports
Client Service Management
Client Division Introductory Call
Founder 45-Minute War Planning Call
Quarterly Progress Reviews
Founder 45-Minute War Planning Call
Vanguard CORE I Foundational Curriculum: Discipline, Purpose. and Power
Vanguard CORE II Intermediate Curriculum: Vision, Planning, and Execution
Vanguard CORE III Advanced Curriculum: Hierarchy, Order, and Beauty
Academy CORE Documents
Black Flag program
The Power Narcissist program
Fury To Power program
Controlled Penetration program
Dominance program
Kurai No Sanko program
Advanced Library
Executive Cadre Invitation Track
Coming Access: Risk Division Academy Documents
Coming Access: Company Internal Community